Tuesday, December 20, 2016

We finished up 2016 in PE with lots of fun games!!!  I was able to purchase some pedal cars and the students loved playing, "Here Comes Santa" in them.  The "Great Gift Giveaway" was also fun!!  I hope you have a blessed and relaxing winter holiday break.  See you in 2017 with bigger and better activities in PE!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The students enjoyed playing some "old fashioned" relay games for Thanksgiving!  They loved running in the "Turkey Leg" relay race, knocking down cones in a game of "Hunters and Turkeys" and finally, they enjoyed a game of tug of war!
Turkey Leg Relay Race

Hunters and Turkeys


Winner!!  Winner!!  Chicken Dinner!!
We played a few more games as we continue to practice throwing and catching!!  Second graders love playing "Hoop Pass", which is a fast paced game that involves throwing, catching and lots of running.  Kindergarten and first grade students enjoy catching with the scoops.  
Hoop Pass


Monday, November 7, 2016

Rolling, throwing, catching and bouncing a variety of objects using the correct technique!  Check out these fun games that get the students up and moving!!
Castle Ball:  rolling balls to knock over the other team's castle

Indoor Hoops!!!  A little bouncing action!
During the month of October, we worked on safety.  The focus was on identifying an emergency and thinking and acting safely.  The students were taught that every place they go, there are safety procedures and plans to keep them safe in an emergency.  Our games for this month focused on thinking and acting quickly.  
"Spaghetti and Meatballs"
Students try to put the meatballs on the plate, as the spaghetti (pool noodles), knocks it off.  

"Think Fast!"  Students run to the center as fast as they can trying to get the most tennis balls for their team.

Scooter Pulls:  Pretending to get to an emergency quickly.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

We finished up our unit on movement by playing a few fast moving games!!  The kindergarten students really enjoyed moving to the old fashioned game of "Duck, Duck, Goose!"  They laughed and ran and had such a great time.  The first and second grade students played a version of the video game "Frogger."  They had to run from one end of the pond to the other, using the lily pads (hula hoops) to stay safe from the alligators.  The students built up lots of stamina while playing this game!!
Kindergarten students playing "Duck, Duck, Goose."

First and Second Graders playing "Frogger."

Monday, September 26, 2016

Last week, we had a "Hula Hoop Fun Week!"  The students got to do whatever they wanted to do with their hula hoop (roll it, run through it, jump rope with it, or just plain hula hoop with it).  It was amazing to see the games the students invented using hula hoops!  It was such a great week in PE!
Kindergarten students creating games

Hula Hoop Week!!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

We are getting stronger and building stamina!!

Second graders are working on building up stamina by running a course the requires them to step through a ladder.....

and hoops.

Kindergarten and First graders are practicing different ways to move by "Running the Red Carpet!"

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

We are off to a "moving" start!!  We are learning how to work as a team, as well as, how to move in a variety of ways.  Dodging, ducking, running, jumping, stepping, etc... are a few of the ways we have learned how to move.  All of these types of movement have been incorporated into games and activities.  Check out a few of the things we have been doing!!!
You have to practice moving side to side to get good at it!!

It takes teamwork to make the parachute fly high.

You must stretch before you move!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Welcome Back!!  We are going to have an exciting year in PE.  Get set to work on all of the skills necessary to lead a healthy, happy and active lifestyle.  Parents, please be sure your child wears PE shoes and appropriate PE clothing on PE days.  UNLESS I receive a note, I will expect all students to participate in PE.  I look forward to a great year in PE filled with lots of laughter and fun!!